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The Brutalist: A Comprehensive Study of Artistic Expression, Ambition, and the American Dream


László Tóth made a name for himself as a creative architect back in Budapest. After fleeing the chaos of post-war Europe, he ends up in Philadelphia, living in the back of a small furniture store run by his relative, Attila. His big break comes when wealthy siblings Harry and Maggie hire him to turn their late father's messy study into a neat reading room. At first, Harrison Lee Van Buren isn't a fan of the design, but he eventually changes his mind and offers László a tempting deal to build a new community center he's been dreaming about. The story takes a turn with the arrival of László’s wife, Erszébet, in America. What should be a happy reunion gets complicated by tensions with Van Buren and various problems tied to the construction project. This film can be watched on The Brutalist 2025 HuraWatch.



    Eloise Parker


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